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John Kricfalusi Quotes

All artists get better with age. The more you draw, the better you're going to get.

As soon as I found out how compartmentalized the industry was, I realized, Well, no wonder the cartoons are so bad.

Cartoonists are untrained artists, while illustrators are more trained.

From 20 years of experience hiring artists out of the schools, I know-they get worse every year. They're absolutely ridiculously retarded now.

George Liquor is really the richest character I have. I'm amazed there aren't 365 episodes about him on TV already.

I don t think cartoons are only for kids, but I think kids will love anything as long as it's visually interesting.

I find it very hard to sit down and create an idea or especially a new character on command. Usually my characters evolve by accident out of some story context.

I influenced the BG style by not being able to draw perspective. The BG artists developed cool graphic painting styles to make my bad backgrounds look like they were that way on purpose.

I'll let you in on a secret: I can't stand Jay Ward. I hate being compared to Rocky and Bullwinkle. It's just a different style of humor.

If you're a kid wanting to be a cartoonist today, and you're looking at Family Guy, you don't have to aim very high.

In old movies, the cinematography is a thousand times better than anything today. Writing, a thousand times better.

Joe Barbera's s always complaining that he can't get humor into cartoons anymore. Just do it. You've got your money. Why do they let the networks run their lives?

Kids cannot follow stories. They don't know what the hell is going on in a cartoon. They like to see funny visual things happening.

Mel Blanc has been gone for 30 years, even though he's still around.

Most cartoons are those colors. They have been for 35 years.

My intended audience was everybody. I just want to make cartoons for human beings.

My style is very strong poses and expressions.

Not very many people can draw who are illustrators today.

One guy records the voices, another guy times the storyboard, another guy times the sheets, one guy is the story editor. All these jobs should be covered by the director.

Open a magazine from the 1930s and '40s and look at the illustrations in it. There's nobody alive that could touch the way they could draw back then.