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Conrad Hall Quotes

It took a while for me to grasp that my colleagues believe I have made an impact on the history of cinema.

It was 100 feet of 16 mm black-and-white film of a car coming to a stop sign, and driving off. I had to decide how to frame and light it. It was magic. There was a sense of mystery.

It's important to know that if you are dealing with shadows.

Manipulating shadows and tonality is like writing music or a poem.

My first semester, I got a D in creative writing.

My peers say I have made a difference. That means more to me than winning an Oscar.

Painting and writing are solitary arts.

Photography is a very important part of my life.

That's why I like fast film. It gives you more freedom to light more naturally.

The audience has to understand that if the film is going to have any meaning for them. If they are going to empathize with the characters, they have to visualize the process of concentration involved in making every move.

The closer the source of light is to a subject, the broader the beams are.

The sun is the most parallel light source because it is so far away.

There are a lot of directors who are knowledgeable about images, and others who aren't.

There are infinite shadings of light and shadows and colors... it's an extraordinarily subtle language. Figuring out how to speak that language is a lifetime job.

There is a kind of beauty in imperfection.

With today's fast films, you can light the way your eye sees the scene. You can abuse the film and create subtleties in contrast with light and exposure, diffusion and filters. That's what makes it an art.

You are always a student, never a master. You have to keep moving forward.

You have to understand the nature of light.